Meanwhile, Tranter's ward, Anne Ford, has taken the position as head of hospital charity cases, even though Tranter disapproves of her work with the lower classes and dismisses the latest Ripper victim as another 'drab,' unworthy of his time. The Ripper's victim is also sent to the hospital, where hospital governor Sir David Rogers performs an autopsy, concluding that, as with the other murders, the wounds are consistent with someone familiar with the medical profession. Tranter arrives late for his operation on patient Kitty Knowles at Mercy Hospital for Women.
Just minutes after the murder, chief surgeon Dr. That evening, another woman is attacked by The Ripper, who asks, as he has done before, 'Are you Mary Clarke?' before killing her. After O'Neill saves Sam from a beating, he agrees to allow the American to accompany him on the investigation. However, after weeks of futile police investigation, the distrustful public turns to accusing strangers of the crime, resulting in O'Neill's friend, visiting New York policeman Sam Lowry, being subjected to a fistfight at a local pub. In London in 1888, a string of prostitute slayings by an elusive murderer dubbed 'Jack The Ripper' leads conscientious Inspector O'Neill to assign all his men to solve the case.